Executive Coaching

1:1, team and walk & talk coaching

We offer individual and team coaching. Individual coaching can be done online, face-to-face or walk-and-talk.

Individual coaching – online and face-to-face

Individual coaching gives clients a unique opportunity to explore and achieve their goals in a safe environment, based on trust, respect and empathy. Whether you want to address a particular problem or unhelpful beliefs, progress in your career, make the most of your strengths or have the difficult conversations you’ve been avoiding, our coaching solutions are highly effective.

We offer individual coaching for Executives – both in companies and also privately. All coaching is completely confidential unless, in very rare cases, an exception to this is explicitly agreed with the client.

Our standard process for the coaching is as follows:

  1. A confidential free chemistry session
    – to discuss the client’s current situation/ coaching goals and to check that the client and coach are happy to work together
  2. Optional line manager meeting
    – once an agreement to proceed with the coaching has been made, some organisations like us to set up a meeting with the coach, the coachee and the coachee’s line manager, to get his/her opinion on areas to cover in the coaching
  3. Coaching sessions
    – the number of coaching sessions is then agreed – this is often six, but it depends on the needs of the coachee. The usual length of each coaching session is 2 hours and the sessions are normally a month apart. Coaching can take place online or face-to-face at the client company or in another venue such as a quiet hotel, whichever venue the client prefers (see walk-and-talk coaching for another option)
  4. A full written report after each session
    – for corporate clients, and for some private clients who request it, we send a full written report after each coaching session. Clients tell us that this document is very useful as a reminder of all the key issues/action points discussed in the session
Executive Coaching

Individual coaching – walk-and-talk

People often find it easier to talk about their problems whilst walking and being out in nature. Being out in the countryside can lower anxiety and promote wellbeing. Client and coachee agree a place to meet which suits them both and the coaching takes place during a walk together – this adds lightness and informality to the process and it helps to create an even stronger relationship between coach and coachee.

Team coaching

We believe that team coaching sessions are invaluable in helping teams to improve their performance and achieve their team goals, make the most of each other’s strengths, build trust and promote authenticity and feedback. We offer teams both an Executive Assessment Service (using psychometrics, CV reviews and interviews with our Managing Partner) and an Executive Team Coaching Service (workshops, team psychometrics etc). We run team coaching both online and face-to-face and offer clients a very comprehensive needs analysis upon which we base our development suggestions. Online team coaching tends to involve shorter sessions, usually half a day, whereas face-to-face team coaching sessions usually last between one and three days. For more information, see Teambuilding for Executive Teams.

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