Alive and Thrive

(½- to 1-day tailored in-company workshop)

Are you a recently appointed CEO or are you managing a new team? Do you have new team members? Do your team need to face new organisational or market changes?

If so, these short, ‘punchy’ workshops are for you. They are particularly popular with executive teams and other leadership teams (eg BU divisions). They typically explore how team members can trust each other more; play to each other’s strengths and compensate for their weaknesses; adapt the way they communicate to the needs of other team members and benchmark their performance against other, high-performing, teams. They are fun, creative and interactive.

Alive and Thrive (½- to 1-day tailored in-company workshop)

Some of the many benefits reported by our clients are: “The team responds much better to change now”; “It takes the team far less time to reach its potential, with fewer misunderstandings”; “New ideas and input come to the fore more easily” and “There’s so much more trust between our team members now.”

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